Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone import and export commercial goods?

Importers and exporters must be registered with The New Zealand Customs Service and the Ministry for Primary Industries. Any person residing in New Zealand or any legal identity with a New Zealand address can register.

How do I register?

You can download the Trade Single Window – Client Registration Application. Please read the guidance notes on page 2 of the form.

What duty is payable on imported goods?

Duty rates vary based on a number of factors, including the Tariff Classification of the goods, availability of duty concessions, and the country of origin and export. We advise our clients on duty rates prior to importing. For more information visit the Customs website.

Is GST payable on imported goods?

GST is payable on consignments goods over a landed value of $1000.00, and is calculated at 15 percent of the total value of the goods, plus duty (if applicable), plus postal/courier/freight fees and insurance charges.  All imports are subject to Imports & Exports are subject to Levies imposed by NZ Customs & MPI.

What does Alpha Customs Services charge for clearing imported/exported goods?

Please contact us for a full, accurate, no-obligation quote. 

Is it necessary to use a customs broker to complete the required Import/Export Entries?

No, but it is advisable to use a Customs Broker to clear your commercial consignments, as the customs clearance system requires access to EDI systems and software that cannot be easily accessed or used without specialised industry knowledge.

Should I insure my goods?

Yes, you should always insure your goods. Alpha Customs Services can assist you to obtain marine insurance cover.